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本人同意參加Soul Place Studio課堂及使用設施的免責條款。

I agree with the terms for disclaimer of participating training and exercises program and classes and use of venues, equipments and facilities of Soul Place Studio.

1) 本人願意遵守Soul Place Studio所有條例與規章和克制行為以顧及自身及他人安全。

2) 本人明白及自願承擔因參加活動或課堂、使用場地、器材或設施而可能引致的損傷或疾病的風險。如本人因參加活動、使用場地、器材或設施而導致個人之身體或精神損傷、經濟損失或其他傷害,本人明確接受及同意Soul Place Studio將毋須對此承擔任何責任。

3) 本人同意免除Soul Place Studio及其代理人、服務人員和僱員的責任,不會因本人參加活動或課堂、使用場地、器材或設施而可能蒙受的損傷、疾病、死亡、遺失或傷害向該機構和人士進行任何索償。

4) 本人僅在此聲明本人身體狀況良好,亦無任何健康問題,功能受損或殘障情況,顯示本人不宜使用Soul Place Studio內之任何設施。

5) 本人明白如對本身的健康或身體方面有任何懷疑,應在使用本中心設施/課堂前,徵詢醫生的意見。

a) I agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the Soul Place Studio and otherwise undertake to behave in such a manner as to contribute to the safety and well being of myself and others.

b) I understand that there are unavoidable risks of physical injury or resulting damage associated with any exercises and training program, classes, use of venues, equipments and facilities, and the Soul Place Studio shall assume no responsibility whatsoever for these.

c) I acknowledge and agree that my participation in the training and exercise program is completely voluntary and made with full knowledge of the inherent risks of injury and/or damage that may occur during participation in the program. I hereby agree, release and discharge the Soul Place Studio or any of their employees or agents from any and all claims for any damages, economic loss or injury (including death) of myself, spouse, unborn child or relatives caused by, arising out of, or related to my participation in the training and exercise program, classes, use of venues, equipments and facilities.

d) I represent and warrant that I do not know of any medical condition, symptom or any other reason that would prevent me from undertaking the exercise and training program, classes and use of venues, equipments and facilities or increase my risk beyond those inherent in the exercise and training program.

e) I acknowledge that if I have any health or medical concerns, I should consult with the doctor before participate in the training and exercise program.

Disclaimer: About
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